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Registration Begins
Last Day To Register
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We welcome you to join us for our first annual Hike-a-Thon this summer. The Hike-a-Thon is a great way for you to get outside and support a great cause. All proceeds from the Hike-a-Thon will support Scouting in the Narragansett Council. 



The Hike-a-Thon is open to everyone! Scouts, Scouters, and hiking enthusiasts who aren't Scouts but who want to support a great organization. Only adults are able to participate in the fundraising piece of the Hike-a-Thon, but youth are encouraged to hike with their families. 



Anywhere you can hike! At camp or across the country, in the mountains or through a city. 



To push your limits in hiking new or familiar trails, spend quality time in the outdoors, and support Scouting in Southeastern New England in the Narragansett Council. 



3 simple steps:

1. Click below to register. 

2. Set up your customized donation page. Share your customized page with your friends and family and ask them to support your Hike-a-Thon journey

3. Share your customized page with your friends and family and ask them to support your Hike-a-Thon journey

4. Go hike and log your miles! 

Hikers are encouraged to share pictures of your journey. When posting use #GetScoutside, #WickedAwesomeSummit and tag the Narragansett Council.



Registration opens on June 1st by setting up your fundraising page. Start logging your miles July 1st and continues through August 15th. 

The results will be tallied and we'll have a celebration event on August 23rd to recognize all of our hikers as well as special prizes for those who did the most hikes, hiked the most miles, and raised the most money. 


$25 for hikers, but the entry fee if free for Adventure Card holders. Once any hiker reaches $25 of their $200 fundraising goal they will receive a patch and t-shirt. The $25 registration fee for non Adventure Card holders counts towards the $200 goal. 

Think you can raise more than $200-go for it! We'll have prizes for most money raised. 

FAQ- Can Scouts participate? Yes! However, Scouts (youth members) cannot participate in the fundraising portion. They can hike for fun and still log miles. We'll have prize categories for our youth members. 


Let's Celebrate

We welcome you to our virtual celebration and recognition event on August 23rd, 2021. 

Prize Categories:

  • Individual Prizes

    • $25 raised – T-Shirt and Patch

    • $200 raised – Water bottle

    • $1000 raised – Day Pack

  • Competitions

    • Most Money Raised (Adult only) – Zero Gravity Lounge Chair

    • Most Individual Donors (Adult only) – Xtra Camping Chair

    • Most Miles Hiked (Youth and Adult categories) – Trekking Pole Set

    • Most Elevation Gained (Youth and Adult categories) – Hammock set

    • Most hikes taken (Youth and Adult categories) – Day Pack/Hydration Pack

  • Weekly Prize Drawings

    • Logged at least one mile  - Multitool

    • Received at least one new contribution  - Tripod Chair

    • Featured Story/Picture on Social Media using #GetScoutside  #WickedAwesomeSummit and tagging the Narragansett Council Facebook page.  – Rechargable Powerbank

Check out the prizes here


What are you waiting for? Register today and get outside! 

Contact E-mail
$25.00 per Hiker (Non-Adventure Card holder)



223 Scituate Avenue
Cranston, RI 02921





61 Camp Yawgoog Rd
Rockville, RI 02873