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ScoutReach is a Boy Scouts of America program that gives special leadership and emphasis to urban and rural Scouting. ScoutReach is the BSA?s commitment to making sure that all young people have an opportunity to join Scouting, regardless of their circumstances, neighborhood, or ethnic background. In most cases, Annawon Council brings a Cub Scout program to boys in second through fifth grades but also provides a Boy Scout program to older boys as needed. This is a non-traditional Scouting program. Rather than holding meetings by separate grade levels, in uniform, following a specific plan for advancement toward ranks, ScoutReach is more relaxed ? no uniforms, mixed age groups, a less stringent meeting environment, and less emphasis on advancement toward ranks and more emphasis on life skills and interests and fun group activities.

ScoutReach weekly meetings are staffed by paid professional ScoutReach Specialists. Heavily funded by the United Way and other organizations, all materials are free of charge to the boys. Registration fees are paid for by the council. The program is virtually free to the boys throughout the school year.

Meetings are held after school, for approximately one hour, one day each week. We follow the school calendar. No school; no meeting. Our program begins when school opens in the fall and ends when school is out in the summer. 

We also have a summer camp experience available to the boys in the form of a 5 day Day Camp or a 4-day/3-night Resident Camp. There is a fee for the summer camp experience; however, we can work out financial arrangements with each individual family based on individual situations.

ScoutReach centers around a well-defined program based on values, learning-by-doing, fun, and positive role models. Ethics and values within a group environment --     discipline, respect, citizenship, self-image, ethical decisions -- are built in to most activities in a fun and enriching ways. Programs can include guest speakers from the community, various occupations; visits to police and/or fire stations, hospitals, zoos, parks; field trips to local attractions; athletic and cultural events; and at-home family activities. Along the way, boys are given rewards in the form of pizza parties, refreshments, certificates, badges/patches/ribbons/buttons, in addition to one-on-one individual attention during activities. The program includes physical fitness activities, health/hygiene study, civic issues, citizenship, family values, laws/rules/regulations, our flag, other cultures and many more subjects that build self esteem and strong personal values.

ScoutReach in Annawon Council has been very successful in building informed sound character in young boys who have the opportunity to continue on in the Scouting program and as productive concerned citizens in our local communities.


223 Scituate Avenue
Cranston, RI 02921





61 Camp Yawgoog Rd
Rockville, RI 02873