2021 Cub Scout College - Webelos- Art Explosion
WHO - Webelos Rank Cubs (come individually, or have the whole den register!)
Narragansett Council Scouts and Adventure Card holders should select the ‘In-Council/Adventure Card’ option. All other Scouts select ‘Out of Council/Non-Adventure Card’.
WHAT - Cub Scout College is a series of Adventure workshops offered by the Narragansett Council for Cubs to complete full Adventures within their rank! This year we will be hosting Cub Scout College entirely virtually via Zoom – sign up for one course or multiple, individually or with your entire den! We are offering a variety of Adventures for all Cub Scout ranks throughout the week – can’t wait to have you join us!
This Adventure workshop is Webelos– Art Explosion! By the end of the session your Webelo will complete the Art Explosion Adventure. Art Explosion is one of the Webelos/Arrow of Light elective adventures. For this adventure, Webelos learn about all types of art – drawing, painting, sculpture, origami, digital art, graphic design, photography, comics, and more.
This Adventure will be led by Tim Neronha from North Providence, RI! Tim is a long time instructor of Art Explosion at Cub Scout College!
WHY - To earn Adventures for your rank, and have fun!!
WHERE - Virtual via Zoom, Zoom link will be sent 24 hours before the scheduled session
WHEN - Tuesday, February 16th and Thursday, February 18th
6:00PM - 7:30PM EST.
HOW - This Adventure will be taught in a virtual classroom. The class has a capacity of 15 Scouts. Small classroom size provides all participants with the opportunity to share and interact with the counselors and other Scouts. Scouts should be prepared to be challenged and to join the conversation! Scouts must be prompt for all badge sessions and ready to have fun! Scouts must use a device with video to access this class.
After registering, login instructions will be sent the day prior of the scheduled class to the email of whom created the registration. Patches and earned Adventure Loop will be mailed after the class has been completed to the address provided at registration.
Schedule: Scouts must complete both sessions on 2/16 and 2/18 to complete the Adventure. This class is scheduled to run no longer than the assigned 1.5 hour time block, but may conclude early if all requirements are met!