September 19th 2025

Addieville East Farm
200 Pheasant Drive, Mapleville, RI 02839
Join us for a day of fun, fellowship, and the smell of gunpowder in the morning at the Narragansett Council's Annual Sporting Clays Classic! You'll have a BLAST!
This tournament helps enable over 10,000 youth experience the Scouting Program. REGISTER TODAY!

General Information
Entry Fee includes: Shotgun and ammunition* through 12 stations of clay shooting, a flurry shoot of 50 clays**, breakfast, gourmet grilled steak and game lunch, refreshments, cigars, awards, and giveaways
* Shotgun rental and ammunition is available if needed. Participants are welcome to bring their own guns and ammo.
** A “Flurry” begins at the call of pull and five targets are all traveling towards and over the shooting stations, like a covey rise. A target is released from one of five traps until 50 birds have been launched in about a minute.
2025 Brochure coming soon!
Squad Levels
- Squad of 5 & Station Sign $2500
- Squad of 5 $2000
- Individual Shooter $500
8:30 AM Registration Opens
10:00 AM Shotgun Start
2:00 PM Steak and Game Dinner, Cocktails, Raffles, Music, Auctions, Lunch & Awards
Sponsorship Opportunities
- Presenting Sponsor $10,000 (Includes 2 squads, station sign, and recognition)
- Meal Sponsor $5000 (Includes squad, station sign, and recognition)
- Refreshment Sponsor $4,500 (Includes squad, station sign, and recognition)
- Give-a-way Sponsor $3500 (Includes station sign and recognition)
- Photography Sponsor $2500 (Includes station sign and recognition)
- Ammo Sponsor $2500 (Includes station sign and recognition)
- Stations Sponsor $2500 (Logos on all station signs and recognition)
- Individual Station Sign Sponsor $500 (Includes one station sign and recognition)
"Heroes Squad" Sponsor - For $1,500 you can sponsor squads of 5 First Responders and/or Military service members.
(This is an unlimited sponsorship opportunity)
Station Sponsors:
Supporting Sponsors:
Register Here!
Please return form and payment to:
Sporting Clays Classic, Narragansett Council, BSA
223 Scituate Ave, Cranston, RI 02921
For more information about participating or sponsoring please contact Michael Connolly at michael.connoly@scouting.org or 401-671-6579