WHAT: With the Archeology merit badge, Scouts get to become detectives who study how people lived in the past to reveal the what, when, how and why of peoples daily lives and cultures. Using the clues that people left behind, Scouts will understand how and why human culture has changed through time!
MEET YOUR COUNSELOR - Mr. Scholl has more than 15 years of experience in archaeology and cultural resource management, including over eight years as a practicing geo-archaeologist. His geographic expertise is focused on the Northeast, Southeast, and Midwest United States on both prehistoric and historic archaeological projects. In addition, Mr. Scholl specializes in applying techniques of soil and geomorphological analysis to archaeological sites for predictive and interpretive purposes. Mr. Scholl has successfully supervised and trained archaeological students and professionals of varying levels of experience on archaeological project and field schools.
WHO: Open to all Scouts BSA members.
Narragansett Council Scouts and Adventure Card holders should select the ‘In-Council/Adventure Card’ option. All other scouts will select ‘Out of Council/Non-Adventure Card’.
HOW: This Merit Badge will be taught in a virtual classroom. The class has a capacity of 20 Scouts. Small classroom size provides all students with the opportunity to share and interact with the counselors and other Scouts. Scouts should be prepared to be challenged and to join the conversation! Participants who do not engage with the class may not receive credit for the badge. Scouts must be prompt for all badge sessions. Late participants may not receive credit for all requirements. Scouts must use a device with video to access this class.
Before beginning work on any merit badge, scouts are to have a discussion with their unit leader regarding the specific badge and counselor.
WHEN: This class will be held virtually over 2 sessions:
January 4, 2020 - 3:00 PM - 4:45 PM EST
January 11, 2020 - 3:00 PM - 4:45 PM EST
Scouts must attend both session to complete the offered requirements.
PREREQUISITES: #4; #7a, b, or c; #9b; #10. – READ the merit badge book. BRING merit badge worksheet http://usscouts.org/usscout s/mb/worksheets/Archeolo gy.pdf Bring written work in prep for all these as outlined in the MB worksheet. Be prepared to discuss and answer questions. For #4b you must have written confirmation from a Scout leader presentation was done. For #9b consult MB book for example ideas.
All registered scouts will be mailed an exclusive 2021 Merit Badge College patch. You will have the opportunity to purchase additional patches at checkout.
After registering, login instructions will be sent the day prior of scheduled class to the email of whom created the registration. Council staff will connect on behalf of the counselor and provide credit for completed requirements. A valid BSA ID number is required. This assures that completed requirements are easily recorded.