WHAT: “Be Prepared” is the Scout motto and emergency preparedness is promoted in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and Venturing. Scouting teaches youth to be ready to face unexpected situations calmly and to think through their actions rather than just acting out of fear. This allows the Scout to help himself or herself in emergency situations and it helps the Scout give aid to others.
MEET YOUR COUNSELOR - Stephen earned the rank of Eagle Scout in 2003 from Troop 6 Cranston and is a Vigil honor member of Tulpe Lodge 102. He has been with the Rhode Island EMA for over eight years in a variety of day-to-day and disaster roles and Stephen is currently the RIEMA State Exercise Officer. Stephen received his Bachelors in Technology of Emergency & Disaster Management from SUNY Canton and attended the University of Rhode Island where he completed his Masters in Public Administration. In 2011 he reconstituted the State's School Safety Steering Committee and the RI State Police currently are leading the Committee. Stephen supports, manages, and directs the emergency drills and exercises for the entire State and coordinates with local and federal departments, other state departments and states, as well as the Narragansett Tribe.
WHO: Open to all Scouts BSA members.
Narragansett Council Scouts and Adventure Card holders should select the ‘In-Council/Adventure Card’ option. All other scouts will select ‘Out of Council/Non-Adventure Card’
HOW: This Merit Badge will be taught in a virtual classroom. The class has a capacity of 20 Scouts. Small classroom size provides all students with the opportunity to share and interact with the counselors and other Scouts. Scouts should be prepared to be challenged and to join the conversation! Participants who do not engage with the class may not receive credit for the badge. Scouts must be prompt for all badge sessions. Late participants may not receive credit for all requirements. Scouts must use a device with video to access this class.
Before beginning work on any merit badge, scouts are to have a discussion with their unit leader regarding the specific badge and counselor.
WHEN: This class will be held virtually over 2 sessions:
January 7, 2021- 5:00 PM - 6:45 PM EST
January 14, 2021- 5:00 PM - 6:45 PM EST
Scouts must attend both session to complete the offered requirements.
PREREQUISITES: There are no prerequisites for this class.
All registered scouts will be mailed an exclusive 2021 Merit Badge College patch. You will have the opportunity to purchase additional patches at checkout.
After registering, login instructions will be sent the day prior of scheduled class to the email of whom created the registration. Council staff will connect on behalf of the counselor and provide credit for completed requirements. A valid BSA ID number is required. This assures that completed requirements are easily recorded.