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Registration Begins
4/25/2020 10:00 AM
Last Day To Register
5/16/2020 9:00 AM
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The last date for registration has passed.

Virtual Signs, Signals and Codes Merit Badge


What:    Scouts will study the nonverbal ways we communicate, including emergency signaling, Morse code, American Sign Language, braille, trail signs, sports officiating hand signals, traffic signs, secret codes and more.

 Meet your CounselorDon Mack grew up on Long Island and was a Scout as a youth but did not make it past 1st class. In college he studied Marine Biology, Mathematics, and Computer Science. Don was not involved in Scouting until his son Sam was old enough to be a Tiger Cub in 2009, at which point he became his Den Leader. At that time, we were living in Minnesota. Soon after I completed Wood Badge (C-09-10) and became involved not only with the Pack but also with the District (Lake Minnetonka). When my son moved up to Boy Scouts, I did too, at which point I was asked to be the UC for our former Pack. That is also when I started as a merit badge counselor and started leading classes for several STEM-related merit badges. We moved back to Massachusetts about 2 years ago and found a troop here on the Cape. He is currently a merit badge counselor, the UC for two Packs and a Troop, Advancement Coordinator and ADC for the Cape & Islands Council/District.

WHO: Open to all Scouts BSA members.

HOW:  The Signs, Signals and Codes Merit Badge will be taught in a virtual classroom. The class has a capacity of 12 Scouts. Small classroom size provides all students with the opportunity to share and interact with the counselors and other Scouts. Scouts should be prepared to be challenged and to join the conversation! Participants who do not engage with the class may not receive credit for the badge. Scouts must be prompt for all badge sessions. Late participants may not receive credit for all requirements.

Before beginning work on any merit badge, scouts are to have a discussion with their unit leader regarding the specific badge and counselor.

WHEN: This class will be held virtually over two sessions:

May 16, 2020 10:00AM-12:00PM

May 23, 2020 10:00AM-12:00PM

Scouts must attend the both sessions to complete the offered requirements.

After registering, Scouts will receive a link and login information via email the day of the scheduled class. Scouts will also receive instructor details that can be used to connect to the counselor on Scoutbook. This assures that completed requirements are easily recorded. 


Reqs 3a, 3b, 4a, 5a: Decode messages on handout (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rIZPOHKc9AYTIJAVLnf8K4ohT8KilUbEFKVrPfBtmj0/edit?usp=sharing). Be prepared to type decoded message in Chat window when asked.

Reqs 3a, 3b, 4a, 5a: Use an online apps to translate your first name and send it to me in an email. Suggestions are:
                 Morse Code (https://morsecode.world/international/translator.html) – copy and paste
                 ASL (https://wecapable.com/tools/text-to-sign-language-converter/) -  use screen capture such
                                      as Snipping Tool or take a picture and paste
                Semaphone (http://www.semaphorify.info/) – copy the URL in Share Link and send it to me.
                Braille (https://www.branah.com/braille-translator) – copy and paste translation
5a (Braille) also requires your own message, at least 6 words long. Use screen capture such as Snipping Tool or take a picture and paste

Suggested supplies/prep-work for students:

Req 7: Lay a 1-mile trail with at least 6 trail signs; family can fill in as patrol. I would like to see pictures of the trail signs and perhaps a trail map (look online), marked with the trail (print, highlight the trail, take a picture, and send it to me).

Req 9: Design your own symbol (traffic sign, emoji, etc.). Screen capture or take a picture and email it to me.

Req 10: Secret Code and message of up to 25 words. Share the message and the code key with a family member and send the code key and message to me.




$20.00 per Participant



223 Scituate Avenue
Cranston, RI 02921





61 Camp Yawgoog Rd
Rockville, RI 02873

