Scoutbook News
The Narragansett Council is excited to continue offering Scoutbook for free to all units across the council! If you haven't signed up yet there's still time! The sign-up link is here.
Units who have signed up already need to make sure that they have activated the Youth Advancement Sync. If it is not done by February 28, 2018, units will not be able to approve advancements for their youths! The user guide on activating the Sync is here. If you have any questions about the Sync please send an email to:
This sync must be done by a member of the Key-3 (Unit Leader, Committee Chair, and Charter Representative) or by the Key-3 Delegate as listed on This position resets each charter year. Each unit will need to redelegate a leader to hold this position and help manage the Online Youth registration and other features on Information on how that can be done is found here.