Council Chartered Units
What is a council chartered unit?
This is a new option councils have to be the direct chartering organization to a unit.
Why is the council directly chartering units?
Due to the national bankruptcy and many related complications, some current chartering organizations have stated they will no longer charter Scouting units. The council will directly charter those units in the interim.
Can a unit find a new chartering organization?
Maybe. The charter organization relationship is a formal partnership between the Narragansett Council and that organization. You may recommend a potential new chartered organization to your District Key-3. Your district executive (a member of the Narragansett Council staff) MUST be present at the meeting. Your unit commissioner and a unit representative are also encouraged to attend.
What is a CUR Delegate?
This person should serve as the direct liaison to the council and the CUR for council chartered units. Click here for the job description of the CUR Delegate.
Resources for CUR Delegate:
Reference checklist
Adult application recommendation sheet
How is recharter going to work?
Here are the steps to follow for a smooth recharter process:
- Obtain a letter of release from the church/current chartering organization.
- Identify a CUR Delegate
- CUR Delegate signs Annual Charter Agreement.
- Confirm members who are returning and who are not.
- Collect 2025 registration fees from each person.
2025 Recharter fee table | Per Person |
Cubs/Scouts BSA | $145.00 |
Venturing/Sea Scouts | $110.00 |
Exploring | $50.00 |
Adults | $82.00 |
Unit insurance fee | $100.00 |
- Log into the new Internet Rechartering system through Internet Advancement/Scoutbook.
- Once you are ready to submit your recharter select pay at council so we can help to ensure you are not overcharged. Refunds are not issued if paid directly to the national office through the system.
Letter of release template (meant to be personalized)
Council Annual Charter Agreement
Reference Checklist (for COR Delegate)
Adult Application Recommendation Sheet (for COR Delegate)
Memo from Providence Diocese on no longer chartering
Chartered Organization Representative Guidebook
COR Delegate Job Description
Requesting the council EIN for unit bank account
Fiscal Policies and Procedures for Units
Unit Money-Earning Application and Guidelines for Unit Money-Earning Projects
RCC Facility Agreement
UMC Facility Agreement
UMC Affiliation Agreement