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Virtual Scouting 

Out of an abundance of caution schools are closed, meetings are being postponed or held online, and families are spending more time together at home. But that doesn't mean Scouting has to stop! Families are always encouraged to review the handbook with their Scout.

Scouts of all ages should check these options to Escape to Adventure!

Click on the tabs below to discover more great options for continuing your Scouting journey!

And stay tuned for more!

Scouting at Home Award

The Scouting at Home Award is a great new award based around all of our Virtual Scouting options. Use our weekly themed checklists to begin badges, trainings, activities and belt loops. We realize some may not be completed due to lack of resources during COVID-19 shutdowns.
Checklists can be completed at any time!  
When your Scout have earned the award make sure they get the Cub Scout and Scouts BSA Certificates!


Week 9 Checklist: Brave

A Scout is brave. A Scout can face danger although they are afraid. They have the courage to stand for what they believe is right even if others laugh at him or threaten him. You are brave every time you do what is right in spite of what others might say. You are brave when you speak the truth and when you admit a mistake and apologize for it. And you show true courage when you defend the rights of others.



Week 8 Checklist: Do a Good Turn

Some Good Turns are big - saving a life, helping out after floods or other disasters, recycling community trash, working with your patrol on conservation projects. But Good Turns are often small, thoughtful acts - helping a child cross a busy street, going to the store for an elderly neighbor, cutting back brush that is blocking a sign, doing something special for a brother or sister, welcoming a new student to your school.

A Good Turn is more than simple good manners. It is a special act of kindness.





Week 7 Checklist: Creativity




Week 6 Checklist: Physical Fitness

"To keep myself physically strong..." A Scout keeps themselves physically fit so that they have the ability to give back to their community and to help others in need.




Week 5 Checklist: Be Prepared

A Scout is prepared. They are are always in a state of readiness in mind and body to do their duty. Scouts should prepare themselves to become productive citizens and strong leaders and to bring joy to other people. Each Scout should strive to be ready to meet whatever challenges await.



Week 4 Checklist: Clean

A Scout is Clean. A Scout keeps his body and mind fit. He chooses the company of those who live by high standards. He helps keep his home and community clean. He also keeps himself clean from harmful language, thoughts, and actions.


Week 3 Checklist: Thrifty

A Scout is thrifty. A Scout works to pay their way and to help others. They save for the future. They protect and conserve natural resources. They carefully uses time and property. Scouts learn to live comfortably with little more than the resources they have and the gear in their pack. They learn to live other parts of their life simply and well, taking care of what they have and being generous to others. 



Week 2 Checklist: Helpful

A Scout is Helpful. A Scout cares so much about other people that it is enshrined in the motto: "Do a good turn daily." And, a Scout is ready to help because they are prepared!


Week 1 Checklist: Trustworthy

A Scout is Trustworthy. This means that a Scout is dependable. Scouts show that they are worthy of the trust of others.

Cub Scouts

Scouts should always live by the Scout Oath and Law even when they aren't at their meetings. There are many ways to continue your Cub Scout journey from home! Families are encouraged to review advancement and the Cub Scout Handbook together. We also have these great online videos and guides, with more being added all the time!


Adventure Boxes are here!

The Adventure Box is an easy way to deliver Scouting anywhere! Whether your den is meeting in person, virtually or not at all, the Adventure Box provides the materials and resources necessary to complete each Cub Scout rank.

Adventure Boxes are designed to deliver a hands-on, challenging and accessible program that will make it easier for families and packs to continue Scouting.

Find out more!


Cub Scout Advancement

This fall we will be offering limited in person and online advancement opportunities from rank specific adventures to waterfront activities.

Make sure to check out the Council Calendar for great advancement opportunities!

Check out these fun home projects for Cub Scouters from Bryan on Scouting!

The popular Engineering is Elementary series from Boston's Museum of Science is now available to you free of charge! These interactive online books feature compelling stories of kids exploring engineering design challenges. Elementary-aged children can practice science and learn to think like engineers and scientists as they develop solutions to mini design challenges with materials easily found around the house.  

Sign up today for access to the free library of digital storybooks. New titles are being added each week. Please enjoy free access as a valuable community partner through July 1, 2020.  

Discover more family-focused STEM activities and events at eie.org.  

Yo-Yo Preview Adventure

This preview adventure gives Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts the opportunity to learn the concepts that make a yo-yo work and the basic physics of a pendulum.

So dig that yo-yo out of your drawer and give it a spin! 

Your feedback will help decide if this adventure makes it in the next handbook!

Super Science!

Richard and Jim from Adventure Base Camp are back with 4 great gravity experiments!

Germs Alive!

Richard and Jim from Adventure Base Camp tell us all about being clean and healthy.

See them demonstrate with experiments why it's important to have good health practices! 

Use these guides to challenge your Cubs!

Loyal Lion Challenges 

Terrific Tiger Challenges

Witty Wolf Challenges

Busy Bear Challenges

Wonderous Webelos Challenges

Virtual Pinewood Derbies

Chasity from Pack 7 Somerset has some great tips on setting you your Virtual Pinewood Derby!

Staying home often means more time on the computer. Check out the new Protect Yourself Rules Adventure. It has great videos and tips on speaking with Scouts about staying safe. It can be done in place of Cyber Chip or as an elective! (Be sure to take the survey and tell us what you think about this brand new adventure!)

Scouts BSA

Scouts should always live by the Scout Oath and Law even when they aren't at their meetings. There are many ways to continue your Scouting journey from home, including our new award! Be sure to check out the "Scouting at Home Award" tab.

If you're a Merit Badge Counselor and you're interested in hosting an online course, let us know!


Scouts BSA Advancement

This fall we will be offering limited in person and online advancement opportunities from rank specific adventures to waterfront activities.

Make sure to check out the Council Calendar for great advancement opportunities! 

The Yawgoog Network

The Yawgoog Network is an exciting opportunity for all those that love Yawgoog and those that may have never crossed through that majestic gate. 

We are very excited to share with you what we have in store for this summer, special programs from the camp staff you know, hikes around camp, religious services, and the famous Saturday Night Show!

ScoutingWire TV

With #ScoutingAtHome well underway, ScoutingWire collected some of the very best moments to re-cap and show just how awesome Scouting at home can be!

Be sure to check back often for new episodes.

First Aid:

Richard and Jim go over some of the first aid requirements for Tenderfoot and Second Class. These are great tips for everyone!

There are some great resources at Scouting.org to help Scouts prepare at home. Check out these Campcraft Skill Videos!

Did you know that many merit badges can be started at home? Be resourceful and see which requirement you can get started on!

Resources for All Ages

Scouting can take place anywhere!

Here you will find a resource hub for Scouts, leaders, and parents from across the web to help support Scouting at home. We will continue to update this page with kid friendly content that helps connect Scouting with their daily lives.

The Yawgoog Network

The Yawgoog Network is an exciting opportunity for all those that love Yawgoog and those that may have never crossed through that majestic gate. 

We are very excited to share with you what we have in store for this summer, special programs from the camp staff you know, hikes around camp, religious services, and the famous Saturday Night Show!


Thanks to Frontline Workers!

We all want to than those workers who are working on the frontlines to battle this pandemic. 

Check out this list of the major hospitals in our area so that you can share you messages of thanks with them!

Camp Yawgoog Blood Donation Drive

There is always a need for blood donations, especially now. The RI Blood Bank is taking reservations for those willing to donate blood.

That donation can get you entered into a contest for a $200 Yawgoog Scout Reservation Gift Certificate!

Find out how!

National Scouting at Home Resources

Scouting.org is compiling resources for Scouts at all levels! A variety of resources are available for Cubs, Scouts BSA, Venturers, and Sea Scouts, to give them opportunities to continue "Scouting at Home!"

WGBH Distance Learning Center

In partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and New England Public Media, WGBH is offering some of their free, trusted digital resources from PBS LearningMedia and their award-winning educational preschool programming.

Boys' Life is currently offering an entire year of Boys' Life FOR FREE! Just follow this link to download their app!

The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management released this list of 50 Nature-Based Activities For Rhode Islanders.

Go on Virtual Field Trips around the world!

Leaders and Parents

Being a leader isn't easy in the best of times. But when we arrive at an obstacle we look to our leaders for continuity. We'll be collecting tips and advice here to help you make Scouting Thrive!

We have a great team that's helping host online Merit Badges. But there's always room for more! If you're a Merit Badge Counselor and you're interested in hosting an online course, let us know!

Importantly, for leaders at all levels, the BSA has released these Questions and Answers about Covid-19 Advancement Related Issuses.


Den Leader Tips &Tricks Videos

Check out this page of great Den Leader and Cub Scout leader videos! It's full of quick videos on everything from Scoutbook to rank specific adventures! 

There's always something more to learn!

September Roundtables

Roundtables are going local!

This month we're returning to District lead roundtables. These smaller roundtables will give leaders a better opportunity to interact, ask questions, and share ideas!

Check out this month's exciting break out topics!

Cub Scout Breakout: BSA Aims & Methods/Advancement
Scouts BSA Breakout: Advancement: getting youth and adult leadership scheduling together.

How to Use Social Media to Attract Scouts and Leaders

This training will cover how to use several social media platforms to showcase a unit’s success, how to use them for promotions, and how to build on social media presence in local communities.

Join us on Sept 9th! 

Launch Party!

Countdown to success!

This online event, for unit Popcorn  Kernels, New Member Coordinators, Membership Chairs, Committee Chairs, and Unit Leaders, kicks off our fall campaigns. 

Come find out about unit popcorn fundraising and the fall membership campaign!

July Roundtable

Did you miss us? Did you go but missed an important detail? Did you want to share part of the presentation with your unit? 

This month we discussed unit programming with a focus on preparing for the fall and the Guidelines for Resuming Unit Activities.

Recruitment Webinars

The BSA and ScoutingWire are working together to help Get staff and volunteers ready for fall recruiting by inviting them to join the National Recruiting Webinars happening this summer. These regular, one-hour sessions covered topics important to recruiting in 2020, including geofencing, BeAScout.org, Zoom 101, online registration, and much more. 

Recordings of past webinars are available in the Marketing and Membership Hub.


Did you miss us? Did you go but missed an important detail? Did you want to share part of the presentation with your unit? 

We got you! 

Check out the recording to learn about all of the exciting opportunities available to your units:
- Stay Camp!
- The Yawgoog Network!
- Funding your Scouting Adventure!
- Virtual Recruitment!
- Social Media tips!

The Yawgoog Network

The Yawgoog Network is an exciting opportunity for all those that love Yawgoog, not just Scouts!

Be sure to subscribe to the streaming video service this summer for special programs like, hikes around camp, religious services, the famous Saturday Night Show, and more!

May Cub Scout Roundtable

Check out the entire May Cub Scout Virtual Roundtable!

Hear updates about Day Camp, Family Camp, and learn more about holding a Pack Planning Conference!

May Scouts BSA Roundtable

Check out the entire May Scouts BSA Virtual Roundtable!

Hear updates about summer camp and other safe scouting opportunities!

April Roundtable

Check out the entire April Virtual Roundtable!

Find out how to host virtual unit meetings. Hear tips right from successful units.

Free Online Meeting Platforms:

Google Hangouts:
Easy to use, no time limit, allows up to 10 participants

Great features (allows for main meeting and sub-meeting rooms), 40-minute time limit, allows up to 100 participants, call in for audio.

Easy to use, no time limit, allows up to 100 participants. Call in for audio

Good stability, four-hour time limit, allows up to 50 participants

Excellent video quality, 45-minute time limit, allows up to 10 participants

How to use Zoom for Unit Meetings

 Marc Cardin, Cubmaster of Pack 4 Gaspee, has hosted a number of his pack meetings over Zoom.

He shared a presentation on how you can do the same, including a bunch of his tips for success!

Meeting materials should remain as relevant as possible. With so many families staying home the SCOUT Strong program can be a great tool to help remind Scouts that physical fitness is one of the core parts of our program and that it isn't limited to physical activity. 

Eating right is just as important!

Virtual Pinewood Derbies

Chasity from Pack 7 Somerset has some great tips on setting you your Virtual Pinewood Derby!

And, of course, check out our other tabs for Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA materials available there!

Troop leaders should still check out 
TroopResources.Scouting.org to see what can be shared and practiced home or outside of a meeting place, like these campcraft skill videos! 

And, Den Leaders can check out the options on Scoutbook's new Den Leader Experience! There are lots of training videos, walkthroughs, and checklists available to simplify your job.     






223 Scituate Avenue
Cranston, RI 02921





61 Camp Yawgoog Rd
Rockville, RI 02873

