Scouting Resources
Thank you for being a volunteer leader for the Boy Scouts of America! Your dedication, enthusiasm, and drive for success is reflected in the everyday achievements of your Scouts.
There are many parts to a successful unit. Generally, they can be broken down into three parts:
None of these parts will create a strong unit on its own and no two can create a strong unit without the third. The Boy Scouts of America has created a roadmap for success. The Journey to Excellence is designed to help create strong units.
The BSA recognizes that units of different sizes and in different areas can have much different requirements. Following the Scorecard will help your unit hit the important points along the road to creating a successful scouting year.
The 2018 Journey To Excellence Scorecards can be found here:
Below are some documents to help each of these important parts of Scouting.
More information about running a quality program can be picked up from My.Scouting, Roundtables, or as part of Training.